This seems a little strange to me...
My own blog? Mine?
Well, after all this time, I guess I'm savvy enough in the blogging world to have my own venting space, but it's still weird that I've joined the ranks. I hope I can live up to my own expectations...(as I'm sure nobody else here has any expectations of me yet!!)
I suppose I should introduce myself a bit. It seems appropriate, although some of you probably have some inkling as to who I am based on my comments on your blogs. Eventually, some of the details will probably come out as they become relevant, but for now let me just say that I am a frum, twenty-somewhat girl with some things to say and the passionate desire to be acknowledged, understood, and part of something big. I'm intesely curious, I love learning new things, and I'm self-critical to a fault. My purpose for starting this blog is twofold: I want to hear what others have to say, and I'm enticed by the concept of a place where I can say what's on my mind and not worry about what others will think of me.
Comments are very welcome. I hope to meet a lot of new and interesting people through this blog, and I hope I can spark others to think or ponder or contemplate things they hadn't thought of or wondered about or contemplated before. I can't promise to post too often, but I'll try my best.
And with that, let the thoughts begin...
My own blog? Mine?
Well, after all this time, I guess I'm savvy enough in the blogging world to have my own venting space, but it's still weird that I've joined the ranks. I hope I can live up to my own expectations...(as I'm sure nobody else here has any expectations of me yet!!)
I suppose I should introduce myself a bit. It seems appropriate, although some of you probably have some inkling as to who I am based on my comments on your blogs. Eventually, some of the details will probably come out as they become relevant, but for now let me just say that I am a frum, twenty-somewhat girl with some things to say and the passionate desire to be acknowledged, understood, and part of something big. I'm intesely curious, I love learning new things, and I'm self-critical to a fault. My purpose for starting this blog is twofold: I want to hear what others have to say, and I'm enticed by the concept of a place where I can say what's on my mind and not worry about what others will think of me.
Comments are very welcome. I hope to meet a lot of new and interesting people through this blog, and I hope I can spark others to think or ponder or contemplate things they hadn't thought of or wondered about or contemplated before. I can't promise to post too often, but I'll try my best.
And with that, let the thoughts begin...
First comment ever!
ok David..grow up
Welcome to Blogworld. From your comments, it does seem like you have plenty to say...so plunge away and keep it real..
Here's a vanilla sundae~
/ \
Ok I'll admit, it's not a very good representation of an ice cream but couldn't paste a picture so it'll have to do! Really looking forward to getting to know you better. Great post!
Oh dear, while it looked semi-good in the comments box the spacing went off when i posted it and now even the semi part is puching it - sorry for mucking up your blog, ah well start as i mean to go on....awaiting your next post.
Glad you took my advice...
You sure seem like an intelligent soul, so welcome to blogland!
So happy to have you around, and looking forward to getting to know you better.
If you want ice cream, i'm game.
It's about time! Been waiting for you all along :-)
(did somebody say ice cream?!)
Welcome. Looking forward to your words of wisdom..
Hehe. Welcome to the blogworld. I'll have to update my own blogroll now!
Bruchah haba'ah! Welcome to the blogosphere; I hope you enjoy your stay. (And it's about time!) :)
I'm game for ice cream. Shall we have an ice cream blogger party? Woohoo!
Yay!!! 9 comments! Okay, technically only 7 people, but 9 comments on my first post!! :-)
Who wants to grow up? What a waste of childhood experience opportunities!
Thank you for the welcome, I've got my plunger at the ready, and for next time, you can get me mint chocolate chip :-)
No sweat--it was a good try. I value homemade artwork no matter what the result (I have a corner of my room devoted to kid's drawings.) Thanks!
Thanks for the welcome as well.
(Hmm...if I didn't seem intelligent I wouldn't be welcomed so openly? JK :-P)
Looking forward to getting to know you better, too.
Aww, thanks...been rooting for me all along... (blushes shyly...)
Thanks! But...gulp...hope I can live up to those "words of wisdom" you're expecting...
Thanks, ol' pal!
I know, finally, right? I hope I can make this blog into what I had hoped for it to be...
And a blogger ice cream party sounds cool! But...virtual ice cream probably doesn't taste nearly as good as real...
My office is decorated in the same manner as the corner of your room ;)
There's nothing like those special things kids make for you, right? And that's only one corner of my room... Basically, almost every sign anyone ever made for me (adults and kids alike!) is displayed prominently on my walls. I'll be on to my ceiling soon :-)
(been hanging around too much sesame street. that was inspired by cookie monster, not psychotoddler's cromagnon man for those of you familiar. though we do share an uncanny resemblance.)
So nu? When we going out for some? :-)
plunger and mint choco chip in the same scentence...hmmm dunno
Welcome. :)
All this talk of ice cream is making me hungry...
Scraps - Hello, B&J's just below my work... :P
How'd you find me? :-)
Lol, only cuz you said "plunge away," so I decided to use a visual aid. The mint is definitely not the problem here...
Randomly, actually. :) And it took like 2 minutes to click... and then I felt dumb. :P
Randomly? How?
And what took 2 minutes to click?
And why did you feel dumb?!
(am I missing something?)
And do you know who I am?
Feel free to email me. :)
Randomly through your name, I believe.
Two minutes to click who you were, so yes.
Ice cream party? Count me in!
Ah...I know now! You connected the corners, didn't you... :-)
Are you surprised? Now I really have to come!
I did. :) As soon as I did, I was like "D'oh!" [slaps head]
And yes, you DO! :)
So, nu, where are you?
we didn't schedule a time, but i waved at every single, twenty-something female who walked in while i was there. (j/k)
I'm actually about to go there...if you're not there I can come to pick you up...
though I don't know what you look like...so maybe I'll just wave at everyone, too... :-)
But really, we should plan this properly...
yeah, you can email me if you want to. mine is found on my profile page...
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